Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Hermit Entertainment

I think some people spend too much money satisfying the daily inter boredom. You got satellite T.V. With 500+ channels, Netflix with thousands of movies at your fingertips, cheap liquor and beer at the local pub, new movies playing every night at the Theater, live concerts playing across the nation with fairly cheap tickets, 10ft long display case of video games at the nearby Wal-Mart, and plenty of other entertainment to choose from. You pay all your bills for the month, and you take whatever is left and waste it on mind numbing "fun". Does no one understand how to save money? Go ahead shopping Mall whores waste your time working so you can buy overpriced junk you don't need. Waste your money on what society classifies as "entertainment", while the hermit sits at home and really enjoys himself. My main source of enjoyment comes from the internet, a few cheap novels I pick up at thrift stores, and my cheap $19.99 AM/FM battery operated radio. Don't get me wrong, I smoke and sometimes I enjoy eating out but I don't make a habit of it. A pack of name brand cigarettes cost me around 5 bucks, and they last me all week since I don't smoke on the weekend. As far as dining out is concerned, I work at a fast food restaurant and I get a free burger and soft drink on my 30 minute lunch break each and every day I work. I can't complain, since that adds up to around $120 a month and it keeps me from being forced to pack my own lunch. As far as me going out and having dinner alone at a Steak House or Applebee's, I do it once a month and usually right before payday. It really depends on how I feel, but most of my spare time is spend thinking, reading, blogging, or listening to music. I relax after work with a tall glass of freshly brewed sweet ice tea with John Denver or ELO playing on my little one speaker radio via an Auxiliary cable input that plugs into my phone or laptop. Go ahead America and make your life complicated, the Hermit doesn't want any part of your cruel game.

Live simple, and be happy. Travel Trailer Hermit..... signing off…

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever been in love hermit? What happens if you fall in love with your best friend?
