Monday, January 14, 2013

Hermit Coffee

Hello loyal readers, the Hermit’s weekend was satisfactory, I spend it at my dad’s house, and we mostly talked about politics and The Andy Griffith Show. On another note, I feel I have been spending way too much on cigarettes, and I decided to switch over to my old favorite; the cheap filtered cigar. I think I mentioned it in a previous post, I can’t remember, so I shall mention it again. I have been smoking “Winston full flavors” for the last three months, and even with my consumption at around five per day, the thought of paying $4.11 a pack is starting to bother me. I have been secretly smoking since I was sixteen, and my preferred smoking experience started with low-priced cigars. The most popular brand in my area is “Red Buck”, which can be acquired for less than $1.50 for a pack of twenty, and they taste pretty damn good. They come filtered; yet the only way I like to smoke them is with the filter cut down or ripped off. Don’t get me wrong, from time to time I might splurge and buy a pack of “Black and Mild’s” or “swisher Sweets”, but my taste buds are still set on cigars that look like cigarettes. They are something about a cigar that really fulfills me, they do something for me that overpriced cigarette never will. It might just be the smell and texture, who knows.      
Today’s post isn’t just about my smoking habit; it also covers my Coffee drinking addiction. I LOVE COFFEE!! I wish I was able to drink it “black”, but the only way I find it enjoyable is with plenty of cream and sugar. I am not accustomed to fancy pots or “percolators”, but instead the simple method. The only equipment you need is a kettle for water, a coffee cup, one tablespoon of ground coffee (I prefer Maxwell House or Folgers), and a paper filter. You pour eight ounces of cold water in the kettle, place it on the stove, and then add your tablespoon of coffee to the water. You let the water/coffee simmer over the heat until it starts to form tiny bubbles, the same tiny bubbles that form right before water starts to boil. As soon as these bubbles form, remove the kettle from the heat; whatever you do, don’t let the water begin to boil. Once you remove the almost boiling water/coffee from the source of heat, prepare your cup by placing the coffee filter inside it; carefully pour the coffee into the cup.  The paper filter should catch all the coffee grounds, and the end result should be a wonderful cup of coffee. This is by far the best way to make coffee, and it doesn’t require any bulky equipment. A word of advice; make sure the coffee doesn’t reach a boil, or it will taste sour and bitter. Throw in a splash of milk and a teaspoon of sugar, and treat yourself to a hot cup of Joe. I am not sure if this method has a name, but I call it “Poor Man’s Java”. From my experiences, I find that a coffee maker often makes the coffee taste bitter or burnt, but I personally have never had a cup made with a percolator or French press. Live simple coffee drinkers.

The coffee drinkin’, cigar smokin’ Hermit…. Signing off------                


  1. You should cut back on the smoking. Lord Jim only smokes 1 a day. I smoke a pipe. Our brains are more finely aged so you young people should listen!

    THINK OF THE MONEY!!! Think of the preps...

  2. Oh, cofffeeee good....

  3. Smoking really gets me through the day, and Jim has more control than me if he only smokes one a day. Cigars are more natural,therefore they are better for your health compared to a chemical soaked cigarette.. It might be a good ideal if i did cut back, but i only smoke on the days I work and a pack of 20 little cigars ($1.19+) will last me 2-4 days.


  4. you really should try some other coffee...once you develop a refined palate you will probably want to get whole bean(it retains flavor longer.)
    My family was in the coffee industry at one time and by the very nature of the packaging most flavor released during roasting has dissipated by the time most ground coffee has been vacuum packed.
    Starbucks brand has a big following but is crap coffee, try something else...

  5. I do look forward to a cup of coffee when i wake up, and before work. I only drink about 3-4 cups per day, but a cup made from fresh beans does sound quite Delicious! I have enjoyed a few lattes, and Starbucks does have good overpriced coffee. Solarman, what brand of coffee and method would you recommend? My version is as simple as instant (which tastes like dried cat shit compared to any other method) but if coffee beans are not to expensive i might consider a grinder and what ever else is required to produce a hot cup of joe....


