Friday, January 11, 2013

10 Reasons why I don’t go to College

My dream of “Guest Article Friday” has fell through the rat hole, so once again the Hermit must entertain his readers with another mind boggling post, and maybe next week my “Guest Article Friday” will come true. Today has been fantastic and I have stumbled upon a tobacco store that sells Swisher Sweet filter cigars for $2.11 a pack, and I have made this my new permanent choice. God knows I love cigars, and the Swisher Sweet brand really pleases me. Let me get off my cigar addiction and on with today’s post which for your information, I pulled out of my ASS in under eleven minutes. Please enjoy…

10 reasons why I don’t go to college

1.) The 13 years I wasted between kindergarten and 12th grade seems like enough. Why would I waste another 2-8 years?

2.) I am lazy and would rather spend my time sitting on the couch with a bowl of Frosted Flakes.

3.) College graduates typically make 1 million dollars more in their lifetime then non-graduates. However, with tuition at an all-time high and fiscal cliff just right around the corner, I can see this number dropping.

4.) Hearing a dumb ass professor preach about stupid shit for several hours while sitting in an uncomfortable chair while being forced to take notes with a dull pencil doesn't appeal to me. Thanks anyways.

5.) Staying in a dorm room full of the same gender reminds me of prison movies and may result in homosexual acts.

6.) I hate waking up early in the morning, and therefore I work the “hoot owl” shift at a wage slave job.

7.) A young boy named Ted Kaczynski went to college, got mentally abused by a professor, sent bombs via the Postal Service, and later became known as the “Unabomber”. I don’t want this to happen to me.

8.)  I feel the public school system didn't give me enough knowledge to further my education at a university. My personal experience involved a zealot Mormon Algebra teacher that was going through a divorce while preparing me for College math. Long story short, I didn't learn anything that year. Every time I hear "Hey Joe" by Hendrix, or "Losing my religion" by R.E.M I think about this particular Algebra class.   

9.) I don’t want to become over educated and forget how to tie my shoe, use the bathroom, etc. The world has enough over educated idiots, we don’t need anymore.

10.)        I don’t know if I mentioned it, but I am lazy. I believe in taking the easy way out, and making due with less. Fuck you government funded public schools for brainwashing little kids into thinking they can be whatever they want to be. A blind and deaf kid with ADHD isn't going to become an underwater welder or a nurse, so quit telling him that bullshit. Teach them the real world, not a world filled with unicorns and fairy dust. If Little Timmy is in 5th grade and he still can’t spell his name, NASA isn't going to want his dumb ass.

For those of you that go to college. Keep up the good work; God knows we need more bankers, lawyers, and politicians. I hope your $30,000+ student loans are not affected by that nasty “fiscal” cliff.

Just as a side note, I will not be posting tomorrow (1/12/13 SATURDAY) or the day after (1/13/13 SUNDAY). I plan on re-reading “Walden’s pond” for the third time, because they say the third time is the charm. J


1 comment:

  1. Good choice.
    Student loans are a trap. (I got caught in it).
    You can improve your job marketability in the blue collar arena with single courses, job experience, or self education.

    I listened to all those around me tell me I was soooooo smart, that I should go to college and university. I tried it when I was young and just dropped out after 2 years with nothing to show for it, went back a little later got 2 associates and 1 bachelors degree and a bunch of certifications on the side. The degrees are worth way less in the job market than the certifications. The certifications cost me maybe $3k cash on the barrel head over 3 years. The degrees? closer to $80k - I will never be able to pay off the degrees (or in 220 years at the current rate). And I *learned* more from the certifications and work experience than the whole 8 years of higher ED.

    Education can come as easily from a free library book as from a stuffy lecture hall. And it comes easiest of all from experience - get out there and try things.

    You fixed up your trailer- there are people who need their RVs and Trailers fixed up to, a little flyer at a local camp ground and you will be earning a nice little side money.

    You are interested in alternative energy - offer to help people set up their small systems for their RV's, get the experience and the reputation for quality work.

    Those are just a couple ideas I could see helping fund your frugal lifestyle while helping you prepare for the collapse.
