Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Another not so wonderful holiday that involves large consumption of liquor and bad music. I have nothing against drinking and frankly I wish they would lower the drinking age in this country to eighteen. However, accident prone alcoholics still manage to drive home after getting shit faced on New Year’s. Drink at home for cry out loud! Sadly, I work tonight and I know the drive home will involve several police road blocks. Seems like another way for the government to make some cash on the side, as if toll bridges and yearly vehicle registration fees are not enough. Most people I know are jumping with joy around the first of the year because they get money back on their taxes. This is just another reason to be a bottom feeder, and take advantage of low income jobs. Don’t forget to give yourself an impossible task for this upcoming year, such as losing weight or making time for family.

Go ahead well-groomed yuppie filth; drink yourself another pint of Scotch while you take another drag from your ultra-light cigarette. Try and drink your debt and materialistic habits away, but in the end you will find it will do you no good. So help me God if I see any thug ugly couples kissing when the ball falls, I might just blow my fucking top!

What will the Hermit do once he arrives home from work? I wonder if he will be drinking? Don’t worry loyal blog readers, the Hermit plans on spending his spare time kicked back with a cold can of Pepsi while listening to some tranquil music. As far as drinking is concerned, I don’t celebrating ridiculous holidays such as New Year’s. I would rather save the drinks for a special time in my life, such as when I become %99 self-sufficient, or when I finally move into my travel trailer. Until then, the hermit will remain sober. For those of you that do celebrate this Gregorian calendar holiday with alcoholic beverages, please do me a favor. Stay safe out there…


HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2013……….. Travel Trailer Hermit…. – signing off…..


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