Monday, December 24, 2012

My Favorite Philosopher: Diogenes of Sinope

Its Homestead Hermit again, and this time I decided to dedicate a post to my favorite Greek philosopher. In my personal opinion Plato and Socrates had nothing on Diogenes of Sinope. This Greek thinker really understood the social world and society during his time. He might have been a bit “off” in the head, but who isn’t. Anyone who has the nerve to go around a city in daytime with a lantern in order to make a political or social statement is a hero of mine. When the ancient “do-gooders” asked him what the hell he was doing, he often replied with “I am looking for an honest man.” Imagine if someone today, did such a thing around a county court house, or place of important business. Sadly enough, Mr. Diogenes never found a honest man. For those of you that didn’t take it upon yourself to study philosophy, you should do so now. This crazy ancient "Abbie Hoffman" made a mockery of all ancient yuppie scumbags. He lived in an old used stone jar (not nearly as nice as a modern day van), and was often referred to as “dog like”. So, what if people thought he acted like a canine. I call myself a “hoarding bottom feeding desert rat” almost every day. I practically go to work, come home, and go to bed. I live the perfect life. No one bothers me, and I go to the local get-and-go Wal-Mart once a month for shaving razors, soap, etc. I just want to be left the hell alone, and I am sure Mr. Diogenes was the same way. This man was a true “anarchist”, and ahead of his time.  He embarrassed Plato, disputed his interpretation of Socrates and sabotaged his lectures. Diogenes was also responsible for publicly mocking Alexander the Great. We need deep thinkers like Diogenes in today's world... Somebody who will stand up against injustice, brainwashing of media, etc... Somebody who will look yuppie "keeping up with the Jones" scum bags right in the face and laugh. Somebody who thinks this country should be based on the "golden rule", and that it doesn't matter if you're black, white, gay, straight, Christian, Muslim, atheist, etc. as long as you put a smile on your face and treat others with respect and mind your own business. Personally, I believe Jesus died on the cross for our sins, however if you don't believe that, that's fine. I have nothing against gays, lesbians, pansexuals, bisexuals, etc. because it is none of my business what they do. I enjoy the 2nd amendment, however not everyone does. This country is headed down hill, and I got five reasons. People have lost respect for others who are different, people think credit and debt is the answer, people follow trends and advertisements way too much, our need for foreign fuels, and lastly greed. Nobody can have enough; they always want more and more and more. If that’s not bad enough, they brainwash their kids with the burden of never being satisfied with what they got. My mother and step-father make decent money, they have new cars, phones, etc. yet they constantly want more. Their life is miserable. Just as Diogenes of Sinope said "Humans have complicated every simple gift of the gods.” What is out there that is so great, that I am forced to work 12 hours, 5 days a week at a dead-end job to achieve? Diogenes wanted to be one thing, and that was “human”. We are all human, yet we try to be something else. We are no better than a common stray dog or cat. We have false needs, such as new cars and homes. All we really need is shelter from the elements, a soft spot to lay our head, warmth during the coldest nights, shade during the hot part of the day, food in our stomach, and something constructive to do in the meantime. Don’t let a corporation take something from you that they can’t replace, such as your health and your time. Just as Diogenes told Alexander the great, “ I have nothing to ask but that you would remove to the other side, that you may not, by intercepting the sunshine, take from me what you cannot give"  

Sincerely, Homestead Hermit………… 

1 comment:

  1. Diogenes would be sitting in a wooden box in Gitmo were he alive today.
