Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Hermit’s insight on Christmas

            It is Christmas morning (3:00am here in Eastern Ky.) and I am having a hard time sleeping. I usually play my FM radio on these endless nights, however all the stations consist of Bing Crosby Christmas hits. Don’t get me wrong, I like Mr. Crosby, just not tonight. While the hours before daylight linger on, let me expand on this very popular holiday, and why it makes absolutely no sense.  Jesus was not born in December. Christians took existing holidays for their own means during a time where few were willing to stand up to the bloodshed the church unleashed. The original date of the celebration of the Christian "Christmas" in Eastern Christianity was January 6th (Epiphany). When the Church realized that pre-existing Pagan holidays were far more enjoyable than their own holiday, they moved the date to overshadow the feast of Solstice, Yule, Saturnalia and others to gain converts.  So now we call it Christmas and it is December 25.
"Christmas" pagan origins were hard to shake and Christmas was banned in England from 1644-1660. However, that still didn't work. People just did it in secret behind the back of the Church. The Christians and the church couldn't stop people from putting up their Yule decor. The Yule tree was still being placed, Mistletoe was still being hung in a doorway, and Yule logs were burning bright. Presents were exchanged, because it had been a tradition since the days of Rome rule, to bring offerings and gifts during the Saturnalia.
             Several hundred years pass, prior to the American Civil War (1860’s) December 25th had degraded quite a bit from the times of old. For the majority of normal people it was a minor holiday with a mass occurring on the 25th that few attended because Sunday service was more important. Christmas came and went, it was no big deal, just another day on the calendar.
At the turn of the Industrial age, commercialism may have actually saved Christmas in North America. However, most people in the 21st century blame commercialism on destroying it. After the Civil war, commercial interests found that by making Christmas as a time of giving and decorating they could increase their profit margins substantially. So, far from being ruined by commercialism, the fact that Christmas is now the most celebrated season of the year. Thanks CorpGov! Christmas was saved because it got a good advertising campaign. Rudolph the red nose reindeer started out as a coloring book given out by Montgomery ward. Santa Claus got his red suit from a Coca Cola Advertisement. "Frosty the Snowman" was created by musicians inspired by Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, and who wanted a slice of profit.  “A Christmas Story" (1983) is a movie that becomes more and more popular every year, and is considered by many to be the view of American Christmas. However, I don’t think Jesus was mentioned more than once in the whole movie. Several years ago, Corpgov became unhappy that non-Christians weren’t participating in the consumer holiday. To fix the problem, they changed “Christ” to “X”, and behold, a holiday every American consumer can enjoy. I hope all my readers have a wonderful “X” mas.

Sincerely, Homestead Hermit……..

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