Thursday, December 27, 2012

Cancer, Corporations, and the Government

            People die every day due to cancer, yet most people don’t really understand the true causes of it. Today, I shall reveal the true cause of cancer: Corporations and the Government. Since the Government and Corporations have control of every damn thing, everything seems to be the cause of cancer. You eat one bologna sandwiches; you increase your risk of cancer. You eat fresh fruit; you still increase your risk due to the pesticides used by agriculture. You decide to use antibacterial soap to wash your hands before you chow down on your cancer causing meal. Sounds like a good ideal, right? Wrong. Most hand soaps contain cancer causing ingredients. For some reason, CorpGov loves pumping our daily products full of carcinogens. Meanwhile, the plastic bottles used for the storage of these cancer causing products, cause cancer too! But what can you do? If you try to avoid the evil products, our everyday activities will end up doing us in. If you own a cell phone, don’t get enough sleep, get too much sleep, expose yourself to sunlight, breathe, etc. etc. etc. etc. Don’t get me wrong, some substances (such as sunlight exposure) are natural sources of cancer. I might be wrong, but I feel the Government has allied with companies in order to supply a form of “population thin out”. Those dirty S.O.B.’s from the FDA even pump chemicals such as Sodium Nitrate into baby food and baby formula. What is wrong with the world? This is just another reason to never have children. In the end, these cancer chemicals only increase profits. Why can’t a dirty perverted C.E.O. with bad hair take a smaller paycheck, and save a few lives in the long run? The same thought process is associated with tobacco products. Individually, I don’t think naturally grown tobacco causes cancer when dried and smoked. However, when you drench it with “death spray” and wrap it in bleached paper is when you get a cancer stick. You also got health and weight conscious people who prefer zero calorie diet soda instead of regular soda. The artificial sweetener known as “aspartame” is a man-made sweetener that can cause cancer. Hell, even bees and other insects won’t touch the stuff. Here is a little experiment for those of you that think I am crazy: Place a can of Pepsi, and a can of diet Pepsi outside on a hot summer day. Within an hour, insects will flock the regular Pepsi, however the diet soda remains untouched. How the hell does a wasp know this and not a human? I know the reason; it is because Wasps don’t listen to advertisements. You got little miss ‘cute ass’ dancing around in shorty shorts with a can of diet coke in her hand, and every overweight ugly woman flocks to the supermarket for a twelve-pack of diet beverages that taste like un-salted piss. She might look like a Victoria Secret model, but the cancer treatment has gotten the best of her hair. No big deal though, it will only increase the sale of wigs. Profit and greed makes the world go around.             

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