Monday, December 24, 2012

MERRY CHRISMAS EVE: Holiday ramble

Hello everyone and Happy Christmas Eve, from the Homestead Hermit. I didn’t realize that so many blogs have similar names. Just for the sake of conversation, this is the only true Homestead Hermit blog. Today was my day off, and I decided to spend it sitting at the house with my loving mother. All I can think about is getting my 12 foot camper ready for full time living. If I get time I will post a few pictures, the interior is starting to look real nice. It has plenty of storage space, and I plan on utilizing every inch of it. Sadly, I can’t stand up completely in it, and the door is a little small for my size and stature. Not a problem though, just another reason I should shed a few pounds. Obesity is taking its toll on this country. I blame it on beef hormones, and that bitch Taco Bell. Thank god I work at a burger fast food restaurant, because I love those damn cheese and chicken and bread things they got. I can’t pronounce the actual name, but it looks something like “Chulpuas”. My word correct doesn’t seem to know either. If I am not working my dead end wage slave job, I really don’t know what to do with my time. I live in rural eastern Kentucky, and the nearest town is over 25 miles away. Before starting this blog, I had managed to rid myself of a large paperback novel collection. I sold around 20-25 of them for a dollar each, and the rest I send to the Good Will. I had 5 large boxes stuffed full, almost 350 books. They were mostly romance and western, some of them best sellers. During my high school years I would read nearly 7 or 8 books a week. T.V. never really entertained me, I enjoy some sit coms, but I find movies to be boring and in no way similar to a book. I hate advertisements and commercials, and thank God my parents decided to go with a DVR. I would never watch T.V. if it involved listening to a bunch of cars, and cleaning product commercials. This country is brainwashed more and more everyday with overpriced product advertisements. Who gives a flying pig fuck if the new Chrysler 300 has more beverage holders than the Ford Fusion? My 1999 Ford pickup with 200,000+ miles has 4 pop holders, and I find myself only using 2 of them at any giving time. So what if the new lady products make women and middle aged gay men look 10-12 years younger? It is a proven fact that makeup products have cancer causing ingredients. So what if she looks 10 years younger, if she dies with breast cancer within 5 years. So what if Mr. Drag queen looks “pretty”, he will end up with AID before the night is out. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing in the world against homosexuals. However, I hate bitchy little teenage girls that drive shitty little Jap cars way too fast while talking to “Mr. right” on their Iphone. Sadly, most gay men act the same way. I am truly dumbfounded with this observation. It is one thing for them to act a little “girly” while still being likeable human beings, but when they act like spoiled brats with anal addictions is when I get upset. I could care less if they enjoy getting “pounded” in a dark gymnasium by a dozen men before going home with a sore ass. That makes more sense than getting married, having a few kids, only for her to leave you for someone else and you pay her for it. “Thanks honey for screwing the boy next door, how much do I owe you?” Maybe the gays will save us all. At least they won’t be having shit loads of kids while living off the tax payer’s money. More straight parents should adopt kids; quit making the gays carry the burden. And for some reason Corpgov won’t let you have “little miss abandoned after birth”, that is their loss and your gain. Hell, at least you tried. On another note, have you noticed how Horney girls flock after gay men? This doesn’t make any sense to me. Bitchy little college girl wanting to “breed” with bitchier little college boy that is openly gay. This makes no sense, what so ever. But the scary part is, what if bitchy little gay boy has something to do with spoiled college girl, and they conceive a kid. The little S.O.B. couldn’t be much of a resource for society. I can’t say much about being helpful to society. I am too lazy to ever go back to vocational school. I would rather walk on hot coals than waste my time in a class room, or on a college campus. But that is my decision, and I will be forced to live with it. The ideal of “Fiscal Cliff” is enough to make a grad student become a meth addict. The Government has no right to tax you just because you happen to make “too much”. How the hell can you make “too much”. I am not going to lose any sleep over it though, because I barely gross 15k a year at my fast food paradise. Go ahead, citizens of America, pick fun at me for never bettering myself or finding a “real” job. Why would I waste 4 years of my life, with $30,000 worth of student loans in the hope to find a 6 figure job that will only bring me home $50,000+ in net pay each year. These yuppie scumbags must be alcoholics or something. Go ahead and drive your nice little Fiat 500, but my F-150 with the driver side door that doesn’t close correctly will get me where I need to go, thanks anyways. Go ahead and drink your Fiji water yuppie scum, at least my tap water from the sink won’t give me the shits. If the holiday festive tradition doesn’t take up all my time tomorrow, I might write another rambling post. Stay safe and sane out there friends, Sincerely, Homestead Hermit………         

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